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  • 1. 2024.01_Call-for-student-driven-projects_DM-LAB (100%)

    23-gen-2024 14.46.28

    , employees, external stakeholders and across countries and cultures. The Labs are not physical entities ... the Labs, students play a key role in the construction and implementation of the Labs network. The FORTHEM Alliance intends to enhance this role as much as possible. The main goal of the FORTHEM Labs ... . To support the Labs' co-creation activities, with the direct involvement of students, the Alliance organized the Labs Conference at the University of Agder (24-26 October 2023) with multiple workshops

  • 2. Erasmus (65%)

    10-nov-2023 18.34.34

    del Dipartimento DEMS (orario di ricevimento Lunedì 10:30 -12:30 e Mercoledì 9:30 -11:30, email Commissione per la mobilità internazionale del Dipartimento DEMS Presidente ... Internazionalizzazione DEMS articolo, notizia, unipa L’internazionalizzazione dei corsi ... sotto il profilo delle culture e della competenze professionali. Il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle ... (triennali e magistrali) del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali